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Commentary on Daniel  -  Dr. J. Paul Tanner
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Recommended Individual Resources for Logos Users

The NIV Bible (2011 ed.)

The NIV Study Bible Notes (2020 fully revised ver.)
This is one of the best collection of Bible study notes available.

The New American Standard Bible  (NASB  2020 ed.)

Bible Knowledge Commentary  (BKC)
This is a two-volume commentary produced by the faculty of Dallas Seminary.
Covers both the Old and New Testaments.

The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia  (ISBE)
This four-volume encyclopedia covers most everything mentioned in the Bible plus so much more.
1979-1995 revised edition.

Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains (DBL):  Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek (Swanson: 3 vols.)
This three-volume set by James Swanson covers basic lexical meanings for Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek words of the Bible.
This is a good starter set for lexical meanings for those without training in the biblical languages.

Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament Based on Semantic Domains  (Louw-Nida)
This is a good complement to Swanson's DBL resources.  This resource helps you see
words in relationship to those of similar semantic meanings.

The Concise Greek-English Dictionary of the New Testament
by Frederick W. Danker; Kathryn Krug.  The next acquisition after Swanson that one might wish to purchase for Greek lexical meanings might be this volume.
Danker was one of the scholars who helped produce the scholarly Greek lexicon known as BDAG.

Lexham Greek Lexicon  (LXGNTLEX)
This is a very good basic Greek Lexicon for those who have not been trained in Greek.  The full title is "Lexham Research Lexicon of the Greek New Testament."

Lexham Hebrew Lexicon  (LXHOTLEX)
This is a very good basic Hebrew Lexicon for those who have not been trained in Hebrew.  The full title is "Lexham Research Lexicon of the Hebrew Bible."

Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament  (TWOT)
A two-volume set with helpful word studies on Hebrew words (written by evangelical scholars).

Mounce's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words
Very helpful for word studies of both Old and New Testament Words.

Kingdom of Priests: A History of Old Testament Israel
An excellent history of the Old Testament by the esteemed OT scholar, Eugene H. Merrill.

New Testament History: A Narrative Account
A very helpful history of the New Testament by NT scholar, Ben Witherington III.

Jesus According to Scripture (2nd ed.)
A very helpful harmony and commentary on all four gospels by the esteemed
New Testament scholar, Darrell L. Bock at Dallas Seminary.

An Introduction to the New Testament  (2nd ed.)
A conservative introduction to all 27 books of the New Testament.
Written by D. A. Carson and Douglas Moo (two of the top evangelical NT scholars).